UPDATE CHANGELOG for 2016 Feb 17 DONE: - added recipe for black dye to noncrop_recipes.zs script UPDATE CHANGELOG for 2016 JAN 30 DONE: - removed Binnie's Mods - removed ExtraTrees items from croptweaks.zs script. - massive update of most mods: - updated to Agricraft 1.4.6-hotfix - updated to AOBD 2.9.0 - updated to AppleCore 1.7.10-1.3.0 - updated to Autopackager 1.5.7 - updated to bdlib - updated to BuildCraft 7.1.14 - updated to BuildCraft Compat 7.1.3 - updated to Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.8_dev_r8 - updated to Chisel - updated to COFHCore 3.1.0 - updated to COFHTweaks 1.1.0-82 - updated to EnderStorage - updated to Erebus 0.4.3 - updated to ExtraCells2 2.3.8 - updated to ExtraBiomesXL 3.16.4 - updated to Forestry - updated to GardenStuff 1.7.10-1.7.0 - updated to GenDustry - updated to GrowthCraft(Complete) 1.7.10-2.4.0 - updated to Immibis Core 59.1.4 - updated to In-Game wiki Mod 1.1.12-34 - updated to MalisisCore 1.7.10-0.14.1 - updated to Malisis' Doors 1.7.10-1.13.0 - updated to McjtyLib 1.8.1 - updated to MFR 2.8.1 - updated to Mod Tweaker2 0.9.5 - updated to NEI Integration 1.1.1 - updated to NotEnoughItems 1.7.10- - updated to NotEnoughKeys 1.7.10-3.0.0b45 - updated to OpenBlocks 1.5 - updated to OpenMods 0.9 - updated to Plant Mega Pack 4.31 - updated to PneumaticCraft 1.12.5-148 - updated to PressurePipes - updated to RFTools 4.21 - updated to Ruins Spawning System - updated to Small Boats 1.7.10-10.13.0-16.0 - updated to Storage Draws 1.7.10-1.7.7 - updated to Thermal Expansion 4.1.1 - updated to Thermal Foundation 1.2.2 - updated to Tinker's Construct 1.8.8 - updated to Waila Harvestability 1.1.6 TODO: - add PMP and EBXL flowers to flowers useable by Forestry Bees. - add mod stuff as appropriate to Forestry backpack lists.